Digital Human Being as a Product of Digitalization




digitalization, digital human being, digital person, digital culture, digital society, digital risks, digital security


 Digitalization, which has penetrated all spheres of human activity, is purposefully creating a digital human being, who will be existing simultaneously and inseparably in the ordinary and digital worlds with the help of augmented and virtual reality technologies. Digital human beings can have a chip implanted in the brain to be in constant communication with the digital environment; moreover, they can exist in a completely digitized form in a digital universe. The key issue that requires philosophical analysis is the expediency of creating a digital human being. The main question to be answered is “When should we stop?”. Undoubtedly, digitalization is a boon for the development of society, and many of its processes are firmly rooted in social practice. Is it necessary to change the status of this process from instrumental (auxiliary) to ontological (essential)? Experiments on the digitization of human consciousness, creation of a metauniverse, and such projects as Neuronet and University 4.0, as well as Industry 4.0 actively contribute to changing the status of digital technologies from human assistant to essential component of humans. At the stage of developing a digital model of society, it is still difficult to predict all its negative aspects. However, based on the existing risks in the field of digitalization, it can be assumed that this innovation initially poses a threat to humanity. The most likely risks that digital humans will face include depersonalization and high exposure to suggestion as well as loss of personal space and economic independence. In this regard, one should be critical of total digitalization and stop its advancement in time.


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Author Biography

Andrey L. Kraynov, Saratov State University of Genetics, Biotechnology and Engineering named after N.I. Vavilov

кандидат философских наук, доцент, доцент кафедры «Социально-гуманитарные науки»


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How to Cite

Kraynov А. Л. (2023). Digital Human Being as a Product of Digitalization. Vestnik of Northern (Arctic) Federal University. Series "Humanitarian and Social Sciences", 23(5), 122–129.