The Processes of Transformation of the International Arctic Region: New Geopolitical Contours




Arctic, global region, international cooperation, climate change, international confrontation, Ukraine crisis


 The article attempts to analyse the international Arctic region during the period from the end of the Cold War to the present. In this timespan, the author identifies two main stages, which differ in the logic of building relations between the regional powers. Special attention is paid to the transformation of the theoretical approaches to the concept of region, characterized by a shift in emphasis from the territorial principle, which defines a region as a specific territory, to the spatial principle, based on functional features. This allows us to explain the processes that took place in the Arctic after the end of the Cold War, when a global region started to form on this territory. In addition, the article highlights the uniqueness of the Arctic due to the impact of rapid climate change on the region’s geopolitical position. The paper analyses the reasons for the change in the logic of the development of international processes in the Arctic from the idea of a global region with intensive international cooperation to confrontation. The author inclines to interpret the main reason for it through the prism of a systematic approach: as a result of the rearrangement of elements in the system of international relations due to the emergence of new poles of power, disagreements with the world hegemon arise, which leads to a redistribution of power. Another specific feature of the international relations in the Arctic is the configuration of regional players, when seven countries create a counterbalance to one Arctic power. This is clearly demonstrated through NATO’s activities in the region and the blocking of Russia’s participation in all forms of regional
cooperation. The Arctic countries’ continued reluctance to collaboratе with Russia in the same way as before can also be explained by their growing state egoism. 


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Author Biography

Marina M. Panikar, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov

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How to Cite

Panikar М. М. (2023). The Processes of Transformation of the International Arctic Region: New Geopolitical Contours. Vestnik of Northern (Arctic) Federal University. Series "Humanitarian and Social Sciences", 23(6), 17–26.