The Semantics of Actionality in the Ethnopolitical Context (Exemplified by Russian and English Set Phrases)




phraseological unit, constructive actionality, destructive actionality, component modification, geopolitonym


This paper analyses the semantics of set phrases in terms of the ethnopolitical space (geopolitonyms). Phraseological units are studied here from the point of view of constructive (calling for peace) and destructive (resisting violence) actionality. The constructive actionality group represents the metaphorization of prohibition, either strict or advisory, calling for peace through nonviolent means. The set phrases of this group emphasize unity, strength and mutual support as well as a call for conflict suspension. The group of destructive actionality demonstrates aspects of confrontation aimed to prevent an adversary’s aggression. The set phrases of this group express confrontation, opposition and readiness for self-defence. Having analysed the set phrases, the authors identified the component modification of the specific reflection of reality during ethnopolitical processes. This modification reflects the national factor and the worldview of a people. In the course of ethnopolitical activity, the identified types of metaphorical structures are manifested in slogans calling for avoidance of conflict situations. Phraseological constructive actionality can be found in the settlement of disputes, while destructive actionality, in readiness for stabilization and resistance (through direct clashes) in the current destabilized situation. The main function of such set phrases is avoiding destructive actions, at the same time being able to recode information and carry hidden meanings to achieve certain goals while distracting the subject. By demonstrating actionality of constructive and destructive actions, phraseological phrases are able to exert impact of varying degrees.


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Author Biographies

Snezhana A. Koren’kova, Bryansk State Academician I.G. Petrovski University

аспирант кафедры теории английского языка и переводоведения

Anatoliy P. Vasilenko, Bryansk State Academician I.G. Petrovski University

доктор филологических наук, профессор кафедры французского языка


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How to Cite

Koren’kova С. А., & Vasilenko А. П. (2023). The Semantics of Actionality in the Ethnopolitical Context (Exemplified by Russian and English Set Phrases). Vestnik of Northern (Arctic) Federal University. Series "Humanitarian and Social Sciences", 23(5), 45–55.