Characteristics of the Components of the Lexico-Semantic Field of Landscape Architecture, Taking into Account Their Place in the Terminological System (Based on the English Language)
lexico-semantic field, political order, term, terminology, terminological system, vocabulary of landscape architecture, English languageAbstract
The field approach, based on the idea that languages are systems of systems whose components interact with each other, is increasingly being used to analyse lexico-semantic sets. Lexical systems are studied within the framework of this approach by constructing fields. This has a beneficial effect on the subsequent analysis, systematization and description of vocabulary. The purpose of this article was to characterize units of the lexico-semantic field of landscape architecture in terms of their place in the terminological system. The research material included texts belonging to the modern Englishlanguage professional discourse of landscape architecture. The following tasks were set: to collect the linguistic material, categorize the linguistic units into field sets, establish whether the lexical units belong to the terminological system of landscape architecture and determine their place in it, as well as to describe the results obtained. In order to complete the tasks, the following methods were used: descriptive method, field structuring, analysis of dictionary definitions, contextual analysis, and quantitative calculation method. Field components were analysed taking into account the specific features of its organization and the semantic relations between its components. The scientific novelty and significance of this paper lie in the lack of studies exploring the vocabulary of such a dynamically developing sphere as landscape architecture through the use of the field structuring method and the terminological approach. The article contributes to the development of terminology science. Its practical significance is due to the fact that its materials can be used in preparation for seminars and lectures on English lexicology and in teaching English for specific purposes. According to the results obtained, most of the units of the landscape architecture field are terms, while quasi-terms and other units are rare. Within the field, terminological families were identified, in which synonymy, hyper-hyponymy, and part–whole relations were observed. Most of the terms are unambiguous. The number of word terms and word combination terms in the field is almost equal. Terms naming objects, in accordance with the semantic classification, prevail significantly over terms naming processes, features, quantities and their units.
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