Representation of Latin American Sociolects in a Culturally Common Language Area
social reality, socialization, sociolect, Latin American area, linguistic variation, word formationAbstract
The article presents an overview of the most widespread Latin-American sociolects (Argentine Lunfardo, Colombian Parlache and Costa Rican Pachuco-Malespin) as well as a comparative analysis of the reflection of social realia based on them. Currently, the existing methodological framework of sociolect studies is being enriched. The emergence, functioning and influence of sociolects as factors of the society’s development are not only indicators of the ethnocultural evolution, but also signs of social transformations, which are reflected in culture and dictionaries, thus requiring turning to the theory of nominative acts. Word formation is represented by various techniques, such as syllabic inversion, truncation and lengthening of a stem, word composition, word doubling, and resemantization. The processes of sociolect dialogical interaction in the thematic lexicons of Lunfardo, Parlache and Malespin are considered. The taxonomy, usage and spread of these sociolects emphasize the social markedness they have acquired as numerous neologisms are produced: from universals to notions of various spheres of human activity. The practice-oriented study of the emergence and development of sociolects confirmed their use as a language-game, a secret language as a strategic tool in wartime, a conspiratorial language as a sign of belonging to a certain closed social group, etc. The functionality of sociolects has led to the creation and updating of specific dictionaries. Another thing Lunfardo, Parlache and Malespin have in common is cumbia, which is а popular genre of folk music in Latin America that originated in Colombia, but gained recognition throughout the continent. Its several variations reflect the identity of social environments, of which particular genres of cumbia are characteristic. The material under study is a rich palette for further interdisciplinary research with its obvious relevance considering the current conditions and trends in international relations.
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