The Ideological Component of Military Discourse




Georgian military discourse, ideological component, Georgian language, national narrative, Georgian National Military Strategy


This article analyses the ideological component in the Georgian-language military discourse. It should be noted that the concept of discourse in modern Russian and foreign linguistics is interpreted in different ways, and the range of scientific approaches applicable to it is rather diverse, including linguocognitive, pragmastylistic, linguoculturological and others. The scientific description of the phenomenon of military discourse is limited to a few works. One of the key characteristics of this phenomenon is that its function is to organize communication between the subjects of professional communication, in the particular case, in the armed forces. The subject of research in this paper is the functioning and implementation of the language structures that contribute to the formation of the desired ideological attitudes and values in the addressee. The choice of texts of the military discourse of contemporary Georgia is determined by their accessibility to a wide range of readers (open access), as well as by the fact that to date there are no works related to the study of Georgian-language military texts within the framework of linguistics. Based on the works of Russian and foreign linguists, the main components that characterize military discourse as a separate category are identified. The ideological constituents of military discourse are determined, reflecting the communicative organization of the worldview of its subjects. In addition, lexical characteristics inherent in military discourse are highlighted. We believe that the materials reflected in this paper can be of interest and use to linguists, linguoconflictologists, specialists in intercultural communication and political linguistics as well as in Kartvelian studies.


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Author Biography

Oksana F. Akhmetgareeva, Prince Alexander Nevsky Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

кандидат филологических наук, старший преподаватель


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How to Cite

Akhmetgareeva . О. Ф. (2023). The Ideological Component of Military Discourse. Vestnik of Northern (Arctic) Federal University. Series "Humanitarian and Social Sciences", 23(4), 27–33.