Cooperation Between the NKVD and Repatriation Authorities in Organizing the Return of Soviet Citizens from Finland in 1944–1955




World War II, Great Patriotic War, USSR, Finland, Allied Control Commission, NKVD, repatriation


The research is based on an analysis of archival documents and published sources. The article examines a little-studied problem of post-war history - the interaction of the NKVD and the Office of the Commissioner of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR for Repatriation on the issue of the return of Soviet citizens from Finland from 1944 to 1955. The most important aspects that influenced the course of repatriation are highlighted, including the delineation of interdepartmental powers, the identification of criminal elements among the repatriates, the search for escaped prisoners, and the creation of a sustainable legal framework. The study revealed that some Soviet citizens took part in the War on the Finnish side as part of the 3rd and 6th battalions. In addition, some prisoners of war were engaged in counterintelligence activities and collaborated with the administration of Finnish camps. Thus, interdepartmental cooperation contributed to the creation of a sustainable system of verification of repatriates; ensuring the safety of Soviet prisoners of war and internees during the period of repatriation; and separating repatriates to solve the economic problems of the Soviet state.


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Author Biography

Anatoliy A. Khoroshev, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov

Postgraduate Student, Russian History Department


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How to Cite

Khoroshev А. А. (2025). Cooperation Between the NKVD and Repatriation Authorities in Organizing the Return of Soviet Citizens from Finland in 1944–1955. Vestnik of Northern (Arctic) Federal University. Series "Humanitarian and Social Sciences", 25(1), 48–56.