cognitive modelling, conflict referential properties, verbalization, economic media discourseAbstract
This article deals with the cognitive modelling of conflict referential properties reflected on the pages of the English economic periodical The Financial Times dated 2018. In line with the majority of papers by Russian and foreign researchers considering cognitive modelling on the basis of conceptual analysis, a cognitive modelling scheme of the concept ECONOMIC CONFLICT is suggested in this paper. The theoretical significance of the article lies in its ability to fill some gaps related to the study of economic media texts by means of linguistic modelling. As for the practical novelty, the research
materials can be used for lectures and seminars on Business English and special courses on cognitive linguistics. The cognitive modelling process suggested is based on the analysis of lexicographic sources and fragments of media texts devoted to the economic situation. It is shown that conflict referential properties are manifested in the use of topical vocabulary correlated with the layers of the concept’s model, which is described as a hierarchy of cognitive criteria located in its core as well as on the near and far peripheries. Economic media texts are characterized by a rare use of the lexical unit conflict. It was determined that a conflict can be represented by various lexical means, including direct and metaphoric nominations. In addition, a particular manifestation of an economic conflict narrowing down to trade wars was identified in the media texts under study. The article will be of interest to linguists specializing in cognitive linguistics and linguistic modelling.
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