conceptual field, Russian linguoculture, Chinese linguoculture, linguistic consciousness, linguocultural consciousness, comparative studyAbstract
This study aimed to identify similarities and differences in the functioning of the lexeme dancе in the conceptual field holiday of the Russian and Chinese linguocultures. This paper is important as there is a need for comparative studies and description of the key cultural concepts of the two actively cooperating countries – Russia and China. Such attempts have been made in a number of works by both Russian and Chinese scholars. However, the conceptual field holiday and its verbalizing units have not been previously studied. According to the methods used in the analysis, the research described in the article is interdisciplinary. This is due to the specificity of the object under study – the cultural concept holiday – which is a unit of linguocultural consciousness of the two nations. To reconstruct and analyse the lexeme dance, the author applied linguistic, psycholinguistic, linguocultural and linguocognitive methods. The article notes that the lexeme dance is, in many cases, one of the verbalizers of the conceptual field holiday. This lexeme can reflect the inner world of a person, show his/her attitude to reality, as well as become a means of social (Chinese linguistic worldview) and ethical (Russian linguistic worldview) criticism. The obtained results can be used in intercultural communication between the two countries, as well as in relevant university courses and special courses.
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