Intertextuality and Its Realization in the Spiritual Homily Letter




spiritual homily letter, intertextuality, allusion, reminiscence, intertextual analysis, precedent text


This article deals with peculiarities of intertextuality in the spiritual homily letter, which is a subgenre of the spiritual letter as an epistolary genre of the religious and ecclesiastical style. The research is based on moral and didactical epistolary texts of 20th-century monk writers. It is stated here that the main forms of intertextuality in the spiritual homily letter are quotations (literal and modifed), allusions, and reminiscences, whose unique feature is having religionyms as one of their elements. Further, the author outlines the range of precedent texts used by ecclesiastical writers in letters to their spiritual disciples: the Old and New Testaments, writings of the Church Fathers, Psalter, akathists, prayers, hagiographies, and, less frequently, works of Russian and foreign secular literature and Russian proverbs. The most quoted texts are those of Gospels and prayers. It is also claimed here that the main feature of intertextuality in the spiritual homily letter is the ecclesiastical and religious character of its elements. As the principal functions of intertextuality the following are distinguished: argumentative, didactical (instructive), syndicative (the uniting function serving to solidarize the correspondents), axiological (orientating towards the right values) and explanatory. The combination of the above functions is considered here as a characteristic trait of the spiritual homily letter and a specifc feature of intertextuality in the texts under study. It is noteworthy that quotations, allusions and reminiscences can fulfl the depictive, informative, sense-making and aesthetic functions. Moreover, it is emphasized that the functional specifcity of religious and ecclesiastical intertextemes is accounted for by didactical
objectives of the author. These include guiding the disciples towards acquiring virtues, fghting sins and passions as well as seeking salvation.


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Author Biography

Анджелла Николаевна СМОЛИНА, Siberian Federal University

кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры русского языка и речевой коммуникации


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How to Cite

СМОЛИНА, А. Н. (2020). Intertextuality and Its Realization in the Spiritual Homily Letter. Vestnik of Northern (Arctic) Federal University. Series "Humanitarian and Social Sciences", (2), 43–52.