The Emergence and Development of a New Form of Public Consciousness in Environmental Management




environmental management consciousness, ecological culture, noosphere, noospheric person, natural environment


Environmental management consciousness opens up prospects for solving environmental problems in the face of environmental risks and uncertainty. Therefore, the development of this new form of public consciousness requires a philosophical analysis. Contradictions between the growing needs of humankind and the relatively limited capacity of the biosphere jeopardize the anthroposphere. Therefore, the issues of environmentally friendly development of our civilization have come to the forefront of scientifc inquiry and environmental management consciousness. We are starting to understand that consciousness and coevolution with the biosphere will allow humankind to ft in sensibly into the biospheric cycles and raise our awareness of the universal laws. Humanity is at the stage when today’s man-made consumer civilization has come to realize its nonviability, when we need to seriously reconsider the foundations and consciously choose a different strategy. Society has to learn how to govern itself and balance its activities properly. To this end, humanity needs to reject stereotypes and direct the vector of development toward environmental management consciousness. The scientifc signifcance of this work lies in the author’s approach to the concepts of environmental management and environmental management consciousness. The practical component of the study is determining the role of environmental management consciousness in the effective management of the socionatural environment. In the context of the global environmental catastrophe due to changing socioecosystems, we should replace spontaneous development with controlled, programme-based evolution. This
requires not only theoretical knowledge in the sphere of management, but also a developed form of environmental management consciousness, its carrier being the noospheric person. In this study, the author applies methods of analysis, synthesis, systematization, generalization and comparison. The paper makes a contribution to the methodology of social philosophy, environmental philosophy, and management theory.


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Author Biography

Каринэ Сергеевна АРУТЮНЯН, Ryazan State Radio Engineering University

кандидат философских наук, доцент, доцент кафедры истории, философии и права


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How to Cite

АРУТЮНЯН, К. С. (2020). The Emergence and Development of a New Form of Public Consciousness in Environmental Management. Vestnik of Northern (Arctic) Federal University. Series "Humanitarian and Social Sciences", (2), 64–71.