Smolensk Proper Names in A.T. Tvardovsky’s Poems
A.T. Tvardovsky’s poems, proper name, Smolensk proper names, home town, autobiographical character, chronotopic characterAbstract
This article is dedicated to the 110th birthday anniversary of a great Russian poet, native of Smolensk, one of the founders of the Smolensk Poetic School Aleksandr Tvardovsky (1910–1971). It examines how Smolensk motifs and Tvardovsky’s love for his home town are reflected in his works at the onomastic level. Smolensk -onyms reflected in long poems are analysed here, the focus being on anthroponyms and toponyms naming the characters and indicating the locations associated with Smolensk region. A close connection between the choice of proper names and Tvardovsky’s biography is established. An attempt is made to demonstrate how, using onomastic units introduced by the author into the storyline of his artistic text, the general principles of autobiography and chronotopy are realized, which have been noted earlier in critiques of Tvardovsky’s literary works. The onomastic component of the poems is analysed thoroughly and comprehensively, which helps us to decode the conceptual chain writer – name – text – reader and identify the author’s attitude to the characters and the ideological and thematic content of the works, as well as some of the author’s personal characteristics, tastes and passions. At the onomastic level, the thesis about the role of Smolensk motifs in Tvardovsky’s literary works is once more substantiated. A review is presented of onomastic studies analysing proper names of different categories in Tvardovsky’s poems (mainly conducted by the representatives of the Voronezh Onomastic School and the author of this article). It should be noted that Smolensk proper names in the entire body of Tvardovsky’s poetry are analysed for the first time.
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