The Pronoun ya (ʽIʼ) in Russian Phraseological Units in the Light of Key Ideas of the Russian Linguistic Worldview




Russian personal pronoun, pronoun ya (‘I’), phraseological unit, lexicological portraying, lexicalization, nominalization, Russian linguistic worldview


This article presents a part of a comprehensive research on lexicographic portraying of Russian personal pronouns in the context of the communicative-pragmatic, linguoculturological, and cognitive linguistic approaches. The paper aimed to describe semantic, stylistic, and functional properties of Russian phraseological units containing the pronoun ya (‘I’) and its case forms in terms of representation of key culturally significant ideas of the Russian linguistic worldview. The author applied the pronoun referential analysis methodology developed on the basis of E.V. Paducheva’s ideas. The material included data of Russian explanatory dictionaries as well as a semantic and a phraseological dictionary. The usage examples were extracted from the Russian National Corpus. The scientific value of this paper consists in introducing a new aspect of Russian personal pronouns analysis, namely, the cultural significance of phraseological units with the pronominal component ya in the Russian linguistic worldview. It is shown that phraseological units containing the pronoun ya and its case forms have considerable conceptual and evaluative potential for representing culturally significant ideas and attitudes of the Russian linguistic worldview. These phraseological units embody empathic attitude (estimation of the degree of a speaker’s personal involvement in the situation) and the idea of primary importance of the speaker’s world to him/herself. The human ‘I’ in phraseology is a natural measure of norms and values, a criterion of one’s attitude to outward things. The paper makes a certain contribution to the theory and practice of integral description of language as well as to the linguoculturological study on Russian phraseological units. In terms of practice, the results can be used in teaching linguoculturological disciplines at universities and compiling a new type of dictionaries, as well as in forensic linguistics.


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Author Biography

И. Ю. Гранева, National Research Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod

кандидат филологических наук, старший преподаватель кафедры теоретической и прикладной лингвистики, руководитель Чешского центра


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How to Cite

Гранева, И. Ю. (2021). The Pronoun ya (ʽIʼ) in Russian Phraseological Units in the Light of Key Ideas of the Russian Linguistic Worldview. Vestnik of Northern (Arctic) Federal University. Series "Humanitarian and Social Sciences", 21(2), 42–51.