Active Learning Discourse: Specifics of Construction (Illustrated by Academic Discourse in English)
academic discourse in English, active learning discourse, dialogicity means, communicative tools, communicative behaviourAbstract
This article dwells on the construction of active learning discourse. The material is comprised of six videos in English, which demonstrate how the active learning format can be applied to a university lecture. These videos were chosen due to their popularity on YouTube and because they present fragments of real university classes accompanied by lecturers’ explanations. The discourse analysis applied found a correlation between lecturers’ linguistic choices and their communicative aim. In addition, the methods of systematization and classification were used. Prior to the analysis, all the videos were transcribed. As a result of the research, typical features of active learning discourse were identified and communicative means of its construction were determined. It was established that this type of discourse can be described as academic and institutional. Frequent use of means of dialogicity and high level of emotionality are among its distinctive features. The study found that when constructing the discourse of active learning, lecturers use factual information, questions, direct address to the audience, repetitions, as well as discourse markers of encouragement and solidarity. As this type of discourse is aimed at motivating students to actively participate in the process of learning, а conclusion is made that active learning discourse can also be described as motivational.
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