The Phenomenon of Resilience in the Context of Contemporary Global Challenges
globalization, global challenges, global crisis, social resilience, individual resilienceAbstract
The modern world lives in the era of globalization. Problems arising in this process negatively affect the lives of individuals and the world community as a whole. In this regard, the search for answers to global challenges becomes urgent. The article demonstrates that a significant contribution to the understanding of global processes was made by the Club of Rome, an international organization that offered various solutions to world problems. However, it was not until the early 21st century that science came to the understanding that remedies to global crises should be sought in the sphere of human existence. Therefore, the author turned to the study of the phenomenon of human and social resilience as a possible response to the current global challenges. The article presents a detailed analysis of the phenomenon of personal resilience in existential philosophy and psychology, as well as identifies external and internal factors that determine the resilience of a person and society in global crises. It is shown that despite the wide range of definitions of individual resilience, there is no clarity as to what is meant by social resilience and how communities can develop such resilience in practice. Based on scientific research on this topic, it is concluded that the internal resource of communities is social ties and interaction that form their resilience in times of crisis. The results of this study can be used to find solutions to global challenges and ways to manage them.
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