Actualization of Taxis Situations Localized/Non-Localized in Time (Based on German Utterances with Prepositional Deverbatives)




taxis, temporal localization/non-localization, actions localized in time, actions non-localized in time, categorial taxis situation of simultaneity, categorial taxis situation of non-simultaneity, prepositional deverbative, intercategorial crossing


This article dwells on the actualization of various categorial taxis situations of simultaneity and non-simultaneity of actions localized and non-localized in time in modern German. The material included German utterances with prepositional deverbatives obtained by continuous sampling from the Digital Dictionary of the German Language (Digitales Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache) and Leipzig Corpora Collection (Wortschatz Leipzig). The total number of examined fragments exceeded 7000. The following methods were used: descriptive, inductive, hypothetical-deductive, classification method, generalization and interpretation of linguistic material, as well as corpus and contextual analysis. The functional-semantic categories of taxis and temporary localization/non-localization considered here are closely interconnected with each other. The author defines their intercategorial interaction as intercategorial crossing, which determines the actualization of different variants of categorial taxis situations of simultaneity and non-simultaneity. In utterances with prepositional deverbatives, two types of categorial taxis situations are possible, relevant in terms of intercategorial crossing of the categories of taxis and temporal localization/ non-localization: 1) specific (localized in time); 2) non-specific (non-localized). The research found that in German utterances with prepositional deverbatives, interconnected categorial temporal-taxis, iterative-taxis and phase-taxis situations of simultaneity and non-simultaneity of localized/non-localized actions (processes, events) can be actualized. The plurality of specific subjects or objects of verbal actions, as well as various temporal, aspectual, iterative, taxis, local/temporal-local explicators (monocomponent, bicomponent and multicomponent), assume a prototypical character. Temporal explicators participate in the expression of categorial taxis situations of simultaneity and non-simultaneity of actions localized in time with “exact” or “approximate” indication of the time of their implementation or course. Local/ temporal-local explicators represent categorial taxis situations of simultaneity and non-simultaneity of actions (processes, events) localized in time, indicating their exact location in space or time. Iterative explicators (attributes, adverbials) determine the categorial iterative-taxis situations of simultaneity and non-simultaneity of actions (processes, events) that are not localized in time.


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Author Biography

Irina V. Arkhipova, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University

кандидат филологических наук, доцент, профессор кафедры романо-германских языков 


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How to Cite

Arkhipova И. В. (2022). Actualization of Taxis Situations Localized/Non-Localized in Time (Based on German Utterances with Prepositional Deverbatives). Vestnik of Northern (Arctic) Federal University. Series "Humanitarian and Social Sciences", 22(4), 37–45.