Revival of Award Production in Post-Revolutionary Russia (1918–1930s)
USSR, 1917 Revolution, Civil War, Soviet award system, mint, orders, medals, medal production, ideologyAbstract
This paper studies the organizational and logistics issues of the Soviet award system in the early period of its existence. It analyses administrative, production, technical, and personnel problems, which manifested themselves with the revival of award production during the Civil War and the first post-war decade. Further, the transformation of the attitude of the Soviet authorities to the award system and the resulting organizational measures and approaches are assessed. The specific features of the Soviet award system are highlighted in terms of its logistical and organizational support. The question of continuity in relation to the previous award system of Tsarist Russia is raised. The paper is based on the principles of historicism, objectivity and systematic approach. The methodological basis for the study is the historical-genetic method. The novelty of this research lies in rejecting the traditional descriptive approach to the awards and in identifying common problems and approaches of the Soviet government in matters of the material and organizational aspects of the award system, while indicating the organizational and production-technical difficulties of that period and ways to overcome them. In addition, the authors point out the dynamics in the organization of award production, use of raw materials, personnel policy, etc. An obvious problem of the period under study was the initial lack of Soviet authorities’ awareness of the value and functionality of the award system, followed by the correction of these approaches in the conditions of war and economic crisis. As a result, it took almost 20 years to formulate a coherent award policy. The authors suggest considering the Soviet award policy in close connection with the general processes of political, economic and social development, as an important element of the ideological system, and as an indicator of the changes that were taking place in the Soviet state and society.
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