The Problem of Technology and Technologization of Modern Processes Through the Prism of Martin Heidegger’s Methodology




philosophy of technology, human existence, M. Heidegger, history of philosophy, digitalization, machination, manufacturability


In this article, on the basis of the philosophical method of Martin Heidegger (1889–1976), an attempt is made to show how the distance separating the world of philosophy from the world of high technology can be overcome. The purpose of the study is to extrapolate Heidegger’s way of thinking onto the modern processes of technologization and digitalization as well as to demonstrate how Heideggerian philosophy can be used in practice today. Thus, we need to take a step back and reconsider Heidegger’s attempts to develop a new way of questioning and thinking. This article is relevant due to the increasing technologization and digitalization of all spheres of human life, including education, culture and philosophy. To identify the weaknesses and shortcomings of the concept of digitalization, it is contrasted with the Heideggerian critique of technological thinking in general and its digital component in particular. The paper demonstrates the way to bridge the gap between technology and the true being of humans. Further, the article considers the evolution of Heidegger’s analysis and attitude to technology during the development of his philosophical thought: from analysing Dasein (human existence as being) in the early period to shifting the focus to language, poetry and language of poets in the later period. In Heidegger’s philosophy, such poetry is the poetry of Friedrich Hölderlin (1770–1843). The concept of Machenschaft (machination) as a justification of the manufacturability of the processes of human life is considered. The main signs of machination are presented: transformation of the social sphere into a huge mechanism – “machine” – controlled by technology; digitalization as an equalization of individuals; recognition of the omnipotence of technologies implemented as “programmes of action”. In the era of machination, a person cannot yet recognize himself as a machine and considers himself a living being with his own experiences. It is concluded that philosophy should take on a leading role in determining and critically evaluating the new human worldview on a global scale.


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Author Biography

Ekaterina S. Lebed’, Surgut State University

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How to Cite

Lebed’ Е. С. (2022). The Problem of Technology and Technologization of Modern Processes Through the Prism of Martin Heidegger’s Methodology. Vestnik of Northern (Arctic) Federal University. Series "Humanitarian and Social Sciences", 22(6), 102–108.