Socio-Philosophical Interpretation of Sociality as a Universal Category




categorical series, category, sociality, asociality, prosociality, antisociality


The issue of addressing the phenomenon of sociality and its research are designed to help identify the characteristics of its typological, dynamic, structural and functional properties. The problems of sociality are most acutely actualized during crises, becoming the basis for studying society. The purpose of this article was to identify and describe the categorical series of sociality based on the generalization of its characteristics. In the course of the research, the author applied the categorical systems methodology. The theoretical analysis revealed no unified interpretation of the category of sociality. Sociality is often considered to be a result of social reality, a human trait, although there are attempts to consider sociality as a general category in relation to a specific category, namely, social reality. Sociality reflects a person’s ability to exist in society, to be its full member. Using the results of the theoretical analysis, generalizations and conclusions on understanding the category of sociality, the author developed a model of the structure and elements of the categorical series of sociality based on the categorical pendulum method. This model includes the following categories: society, social life, social reality, culture, historical development, politics, citizenship, sociability, exchange, connections, dependence and interdependence. The paper revealed sociality trends in the pessimal scenario of its development. Asociality, prosociality and antisociality, in contrast to sociality, manifest themselves to varying degrees. At the same time, the information society contributes to the formation of asociality, while prosociality is a consequence of the sociocultural penetration of alien values, and antisociality is seen as a consequence of alienation, including in upbringing. Further study into the pessimal tendencies of sociality will contribute to new scientific research aimed to fulfil preventive practice-oriented tasks of counteracting the indicated antagonistic types of sociality.


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Author Biography

Zulfia A. Aksyutina, Omsk State Pedagogical University

Кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры социальной педагогики и социальной работы


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How to Cite

Aksyutina З. А. (2023). Socio-Philosophical Interpretation of Sociality as a Universal Category. Vestnik of Northern (Arctic) Federal University. Series "Humanitarian and Social Sciences", 23(2), 84–90.