Normative аnd Stylistic Characteristics of Phraseological Units in Learner’s Lexicography (Based on the German and Russian Languages)




phraseological unit, normative and stylistic characteristics, stylistic label, learner’s phraseological dictionary, German phraseology, Russian phraseology


 The term normative-stylistic nuances of phraseological units (PUs) is among the key concepts of linguistics. However, at the lexicographic level this issue remains underdeveloped, which determines the relevance of this study. The aim of the paper was to identify the main normative and stylistic characteristics of PUs verbalizing the concept of communication in the German and Russian languages in order to devise a universal system of stylistic labels as one of the constituents of the dictionary entry of a learner’s phraseological dictionary. Systematization of the empirical base on the topic was carried out using the descriptive method. To collect the material and analyse its normative and stylistic characteristics, continuous sampling of PUs from lexicographic sources was applied. Using the
comparative method, the author studied and described the German and Russian languages through their systematic comparison with each other in order to identify their specific features. The analysis of the selected material, amounting to 1390 German and Russian PUs, revealed their normative and stylistic characteristics, which required their further systematization. The system developed in this article can contribute to the modernization of the general system of stylistic labels in learner’s phraseology in order to determine and clarify the functioning of PUs in various discourse situations. The main results of the research contribute to further improvement of the theory and practice of comparative lexicology and phraseology. In particular, they can be used in compiling learner’s phraseological dictionaries when introducing the universal system of stylistic labels of German and Russian PUs into dictionary entries. 


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Author Biography

Liliya G. Mal’tseva, State University of Education

аспирант кафедры германской и романской филологии


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How to Cite

Mal’tseva Л. Г. (2023). Normative аnd Stylistic Characteristics of Phraseological Units in Learner’s Lexicography (Based on the German and Russian Languages). Vestnik of Northern (Arctic) Federal University. Series "Humanitarian and Social Sciences", 23(5), 34–44.