On the Formation of Noem Combinations by Means of Compound Words: Linguopersonological Aspect





compound word, noema, linguistic personality, phenomenology, hermeneutics, Epiphanius of Solovki


This article is an application of the ideas and propositions developed by G.I. Bogin (head of the Tver hermeneutic school and founder of the theory of linguistic personality) to historical linguistic material. The key concept in the study – the noema – is defined as a minimal unit of meaning, which is rarely found in its pure form, but rather in combinations with other minimal units of meaning. In the Life of Epiphanius of Solovki, which is presented in the Pustozersk Collection compiled by I.N. Zavoloko, 261 uses of compound words were detected by means of continuous sampling. Using comparison, analogy, phenomenological reduction and contextual analysis, the author obtained two sequences by the first roots. One of the sequences forms the movement from a quantitatively larger corpus of compound words to a quantitatively smaller one (Бог-, Благ-, Рук-, Зло-/Пол-, Пуст-), while the second, on the contrary, from the smaller to the larger one (Добр-/Три-, Пред-/Преж-, Все-, Мног-/Жив-, Пуст-). As a result of the steps taken, the author determined that words with the first element Пуст-, firstly, serve as the central component in the entire lexical corpus, and, secondly, are directly related to the linguistic personality of Epiphanius of Solovki. Further, the phenomenologically reduced second roots were grouped under three headings. After this step, the resulting semantic sets were extrapolated to contexts where compound words with the first element Пуст- are used. It was established that it is these compounds that are one of the semantic axes of the narrative about the torments experienced by Epiphanius during the exile.


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Author Biography

Aleksandr V. Zagumennov, Vologda Theological Seminary

кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры гуманитарных и естественнонаучных дисциплин


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How to Cite

Zagumennov А. В. (2023). On the Formation of Noem Combinations by Means of Compound Words: Linguopersonological Aspect. Vestnik of Northern (Arctic) Federal University. Series "Humanitarian and Social Sciences", 23(4), 53–63. https://doi.org/10.37482/2687-1505-V281