The Metaphor of Novelty in Modern Architectural Space




metaphor of novelty, modern architectural space, nonlinear architecture, religious buildings, architectural minimalism


This paper is an attempt to shed some light on the existence of the metaphor of novelty in modern architectural space. A comprehensive study into this phenomenon will allow us to approach its essence and to point out its significance in human thinking and transformation of the world. The purpose of the research is to discover the essential characteristics of the metaphor of novelty and describe its properties using the examples of specific architectural objects. In addition, the article aims to indicate the creative nature of the perception of modern architecture, which requires that the viewers think creatively and wish to expand their horizons of the symbolic. This paper is relevant due to the metaphor of novelty being insufficiently studied in relation to modern architectural objects. The novelty of the research lies in extending knowledge in the field of the symbolic in culture. The philosophical method of analysis and synthesis based on professional literature and architectural objects was applied. Philosophical texts on the phenomenon of space and its perception, as well as theoretical works in the field of architectural creativity were used as sources. The main result of this study is the clarified essence of the metaphor of novelty in modern architectural space, namely, the use of certain means of expression in the transformation of space. The metaphor of novelty often excludes the search for a prototype that would have been familiar to the viewer in the past. Moreover, it is important to note the increasing complexity of the interaction between the object of architecture and the subject contemplating it, leading to an obvious creative synthesis. The theoretical significance of the results consists in elucidating ways of interaction between the objects of modern architecture and the viewer.


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Author Biography

Alla V. Yur’yeva, Saint Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design

кандидат философских наук, доцент


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How to Cite

Yur’yeva А. В. (2023). The Metaphor of Novelty in Modern Architectural Space. Vestnik of Northern (Arctic) Federal University. Series "Humanitarian and Social Sciences", 23(4), 123–132.