Imperial Russian Military Historical Society and the Formation of Historical Memory of Military Events in the Early 20th Century
Imperial Russian Military Historical Society, historical memory, memory of wars, mnemonic actors, commemorationAbstract
This study analyses the ability and potential of the Imperial Russian Military Historical Society to influence the formation of historical memory of military events in Russian history in the early 20th century. The methodological basis is a synthesis of ideas from the interdisciplinary paradigm of memory studies, as well as comparative historical and typological historical methods. The author proceeds from the assumption that in the early 20th century, the Russian Military Historical Society was among the key actors in the formation of historical memory of significant events in military history. The extensive structure, large membership, broad local
representation and various forms of commemoration allowed the society to participate in the process of selecting acts of remembrance of military events and figures as well as assigning certain meanings to them. The study identified difficulties in implementing a number of commemorative projects, such as insufficient financial support and conflicts between the central and local offices as well as between the society’s members. The author comes to the conclusion that, despite the organizational and financial problems, the Russian Military Historical Society during its short period of existence has made a significant contribution to preserving the memory of military campaigns, which is reflected in various forms of commemoration. In addition, the society has managed to earn a reputation and gain the trust of military historians. Turning to these topics not only expands our understanding of the mnemonic actors existing in the modern world, but also allows us to recreate the main directions of the policy of memory in the Russian Empire in the early 20th century. Further research into the commemorative projects of the Imperial Russian Military Historical Society, as well as its interactions with other actors, seems promising.
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