A Book on the History of the Arsenal of Marine Underwater Weapons

Review of the book: Shapovalova A.E. Old Lessner – Torpedo – Engine: 170 Years of Production History. St. Petersburg, 2023. 230 p. (in Russ.).





G.A. Lessner, Dvigatel plant, Russian military-industrial complex, torpedo armament, Gidropribor


The article reviews A.E. Shapovalova’s monograph Old Lessner – Torpedo – Engine: 170 Years of Production History and points out the importance and relevance of the work, which is practically the first strictly scientific study on the history of one of the oldest machine-building enterprises not just in St. Petersburg, but in Russia as a whole. The book demonstrates the continuity between different periods of the company’s history, which allowed it to remain a leading centre for the development and production of marine underwater weapons for a long time.


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Author Biographies

Timofey V. Alekseev, Mozhaisky Military Space Academy

Dr. Sci. (Hist.), Assoc. Prof., Prof. at the Department of History and Philosophy

Aleksandr V. Losik, Baltic State Technical University “VOENMEH” named after D.F. Ustinov

Dr. Sci. (Hist.), Prof., Prof. at the Department of Rocket Engineering


Пимченков С.Я. История завода «Старый Лесснер» – «Двигатель». СПб.: «ДЕАН+АДИА-М», 1996. 117 с.

Шаповалова А.Е. Минный сахар: от сахарного завода к производству морского подводного оружия. СПб.: Реноме, 2022. 227 с.

Шаповалова А.Е. «Старый Лесснер» - «Торпедо» - «Двигатель»: 170 лет производственной истории. СПб., 2023. 230 c.



How to Cite

Alekseev Т. В., & Losik А. В. (2024). A Book on the History of the Arsenal of Marine Underwater Weapons: Review of the book: Shapovalova A.E. Old Lessner – Torpedo – Engine: 170 Years of Production History. St. Petersburg, 2023. 230 p. (in Russ.). Vestnik of Northern (Arctic) Federal University. Series "Humanitarian and Social Sciences", 24(5), 138–142. https://doi.org/10.37482/2687-1505-V382