Modern Aspects of Personality Formation in Russian Military Professionals
Russian army, military activity, military professionals, training of military specialists, army officers, reasonableness, courageAbstract
This article examines the specific features of military activity, highlighting as the main aspect the importance of developing the following qualities: reasonableness, courage, responsibility and will. The historical origins and specifics of studying this problem are outlined. The paper dwells on the role and place of the army in the system of social existence, the role and place of officers, as well as the requirements imposed by society on commanders. The author aimed to determine the key personality traits of a modern officer in the Russian army. Reasonableness, responsibility and ability to promptly make optimal decisions are considered to lie at the base. Since antiquity thinking has been linked with reasonableness and viewed as a virtue. Army officers managing all aspects of military operations must be able to quickly and accurately choose a successful strategy in a conflict situation. Their success is always understood as a result corresponding to the goals, interests and objectives of the state. The article points out that to accomplish military tasks, each commander needs to have a developed logical and emotional sphere based on theoretical knowledge and practical experience. These qualities can be enhanced in military educational institutions through the use of training that includes simulation, which allows cadets to independently assess the situation on the ground, formulate tasks and make decisions. The practice of using such forms of education has shown that allowing cadets to make decisions fosters responsibility and independence.
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