Employment Problems of Muslim Migrants in France (Exemplified by Paris). Part 2
immigration to France, Muslims, Paris, migrant employment, structure of migrant employment, discrimination of migrantsAbstract
In the second part of the article, the authors focus on the employment of Muslim migrants in France over the last 15 years. It is noted that modern France needs labour migrants, especially qualified technical personnel. However, when applying for a job, Muslim migrants face discrimination, language and cultural barriers, requirements to confirm their education and qualification documents, as well as other issues. Employment of these people often depends on their family and friends’ help. The article focuses on the analysis of the jobs taken by Muslim migrants and sectors they are employed in using the statistics for Paris. The research allowed us to specify the Muslim migrants’ employment level (slightly exceeding 50 %) and fields of work, as well as the most common occupation groups (workers and employees). The study demonstrates that the share of Muslim migrants in prestigious occupation groups is much smaller than that of other migrants and French people. Research and experiments conducted in 2006, 2009, 2015 and 2017 revealed that Muslim migrants face problems and restrictions when applying for jobs. Primarily, they are discriminated against due to their Islamic religion, nationality, poor French language skills, living in disadvantaged areas dominated by migrants from Muslim countries, and other reasons. The authors conclude that in France, migrants of Muslim origin are being discriminated against when trying to get employed (even though the majority of French people condemn any form of discrimination) and restricted in their access to senior positions, intellectual jobs and education.
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