Language Nomination and the Problem of Its Onomasiological Research
onomasiology, language nominations, primary nomination, secondary nomination, language system, speech activity, discourseAbstract
The problem of language nomination in modern science does not cease to arouse great interest, since it is associated with such important processes of human activity as cognition and communication. Naming objects, phenomena and properties of the surrounding world both in the form of lexical units and in speech structures, actualizing the informative and semantic side of the object, is extremely important for cognitive science, cultural linguistics, ontology, semasiology, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, etc. The study of nomination as a process of naming objects of the world around us and its results involves clarifying the following issues: the choice of naming units, their relationship in the language system, determination of criteria by which these units can be attributed to naming units, as well as semantic and functional features of various types of nomination. The study of secondary nomination as a process and result of linguistic, speech and mental, and cultural activity in denoting objects of the real world through linguistic means becomes especially relevant. The onomasiological approach to the study of language units and the inductive analysis of their research today allows us to describe these units not only in the language system, but also at the level of speech and discourse. The scientific paradigm shift determines the relevance and new ways of studying this linguistic phenomenon, which is explained by its exceptional complexity, the essence of which lies in the search for a language expression, varying from simple to global. Considering the essence of nomination as well as its types and features is important for further determination of the specifics of linguistic signs, since the formation and selection of new names and fixation of the most appropriate naming units in the language is a never-ending process, permeating all spheres of human communication.
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