The Dynamic and Classifying Types of Frame Structures of the Allusive Anthroponym in a Fictional Text (Based on John Fowles’ Novel The Magus)




literary concept, allusive anthroponym, frame, script frame, situation frame, John Fowles, The Magus


Turning to John Fowles’ novel The Magus, this paper aims to describe the structure of the dynamic and classifying frames represented by the allusive anthroponym as a type of literary concept having national and cultural features. It is demonstrated that, in the cognitive aspect, allusive anthroponyms contain a reduced frame associated with a certain situation related to the referent; this frame is kept readily available in the cognitive space and can be actualized at the moment chosen by the author of the text. Verbalization of a classifying frame requires a certain structure that includes the frame’s name, setting, subject of the frame, relationship between the objects/participants in the action, and characteristics of the action involving encyclopaedic information. Verbalization of a dynamic frame includes components such as names of characters, their roles, identification of the action, sequence of scenes and characterization of the action involving encyclopaedic information. The scientific novelty of this work lies in the identification of two types of frame structures of the allusive anthroponym as a means of literary concept representation and in the systematization of its frame structure. The allusive anthroponym has cultural markedness, whose model can be used to structure a textual frame. It is noted that the dynamic and classifying frames can be actualized on the basis of one allusive name or have a complicated structure based on two to four allusive anthroponyms. The complicated structure prevails in a dynamic frame since it has characters actively performing actions that take place in time. Frame interaction is mainly conceptualized on the basis of metaphtonymy, with metonymization being the primary process. The frame is always aimed at highlighting dominant conceptual features in a given context, and this highlighting is supported stylistically through amplification of various means of expression and stylistic devices.


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Author Biographies

Olga V. Tomberg, Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin

Dr. Sci. (Philol.), Head of the Germanic Philology Department, Prof. at the Department of Linguistics and Professional Communication in Foreign Languages, Director of the School of Linguistics

Marina A. Ananyina, Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin

Dr. Sci. (Philol.), Head of the Germanic Philology Department, Prof. at the Department of Linguistics and Professional Communication in Foreign Languages


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How to Cite

Tomberg О. В., & Ananyina М. А. (2024). The Dynamic and Classifying Types of Frame Structures of the Allusive Anthroponym in a Fictional Text (Based on John Fowles’ Novel The Magus). Vestnik of Northern (Arctic) Federal University. Series "Humanitarian and Social Sciences", 24(5), 63–75.