Methods of and Approaches to Translating Metaphors in the Language of Economics
language of economics, translating metaphors in the language of economics, cognitive approach in translation, national cultural features of the metaphorAbstract
Using the material of the Russian, English, German and French languages, the authors analysed metaphors of the subject field ECONOMICS and methods of translating them. It is shown that, at present, economy plays an important role in the globalized world and that its language cannot do without metaphors, especially due to the increasing scope of economic materials in the media. Therefore, addressing the problem of translating metaphors in the language of economics is highly relevant. Further, it is demonstrated that these metaphors can have a common source of the transfer of meaning for all the languages under study, as well as have national cultural features. Thus, the cultural factor in metaphorical word formation should be studied and taken into account. The novelty of this research lies in the analysis of methods of and approaches to translating metaphors in the language of economics using the material of four European languages, as well as in the authors’ algorithm for their translation based on the experience of working with students having “translation in the sphere of professional communication” as their specialty. The paper suggests translation strategies in line with the cognitive approach, which include the following: literal translation; changing the structure of the utterance; compulsory linguistic adaptation and optional cultural adaptation. It is emphasized that these strategies can be mutually reinforced. Illustrative material was obtained by continuous sampling from Internet sources and a database of metaphors for the language of economics created by the authors. In conclusion, the effectiveness of the cognitive approach to translating metaphors of the language of economics is substantiated and the prospects for further research are outlined.
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