Reasoning About the Fate of Small Languages in a Globalized World
Review of the monograph: Ivanishcheva O.N. Lexicology and Lexicography of the Language of an Indigenous Small-Numbered People of the North: The Kildin Sami Language. Moscow, 2020. 246 p. (in Russ.). ISBN 978-5-4365-5432-7
Finno-Ugric languages, Kildin Sami language, problems of endangered languages, lexicology, lexicographyAbstract
The monograph under review is a unique comprehensive study of the state of an endangered language of the Finno-Ugric branch of the Uralic language family. Using anthropocentrism as the main research principle, the author of the monograph reveals a number of important features of the vocabulary of the Kildin Sami language, which are explained by the limitations of its semantic system, associated with the specifics of the economic activity of this ethnic group. The innovation of the study is ensured by a set of applied methods, relevantly combining the traditional procedures of component, oppositional, and combinatorial analysis with the methods of distribution and associative experiment. The review highly appreciates the innovative nature of this monograph, whose undoubted value lies, firstly, in the presentation of an important resource for automatic processing of texts in the Sami language and, secondly, in the obtained extensive linguistic material for future comparative studies.
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